Real Estate Blog
As 2025 begins, many of us are making New Year's resolutions. If cutting your energy bills and making your home greener are on your list, this article is for you! In real estate, energy efficiency is a key factor in increasing a property's value. Here are some practical strategies to optimize your home's energy efficiency while taking advantage of ...
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187 Hits
Christmas is a universal celebration that warms hearts all over the world, but did you know that each corner of the globe celebrates this time in its own unique way? Today, let's take a trip around the world to discover Christmas traditions, immerse ourselves in the magic of the season, and perhaps even...
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223 Hits
December is just around the corner, bringing with it the enchanting atmosphere of the holiday season. Whether you're a fan of twinkling lights, Christmas markets, or simply enjoying a cozy hot chocolate by the fire, it's time to let the magic happen. For many, this time of year is the perfect opportunity to gather loved ones and focus on what truly...
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221 Hits
Are you familiar with the downsizing movement? It's a trend in the real estate market that involves reducing one's living space (for example, selling a house to move into a condo) or opting for a smaller square footage to acquire a property at a lower cost. Moving into a small space has several advantages, but you need to know how to make th...
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380 Hits
Summer is the perfect season to celebrate your recent real estate purchase with a memorable housewarming party! And to add a festive touch to your first evening in your new home, here are some cocktail ideas to impress your guests with refreshing drinks that will make your event a hit! 1. The Classic Mojito – A Must-Have Classic Ther...
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428 Hits
To enjoy the summer, you don't need to travel hundreds of kilometers or spend a fortune. Opportunities to move, relax, laugh, and have fun are everywhere, catering to all tastes and budgets! Whether in the city or in the heart of nature, discover activities that will energize, entertain, and create beautiful moments with family and friends—memories...
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737 Hits
Pour profiter de l'été, il n'est pas nécessaire de franchir des centaines de kilomètres ou de dépenser une fortune. Des occasions de bouger, se détendre, rire et s'amuser, il y en a partout, pour tous les goûts et tous les budgets! En ville ou au cœur de la nature, découvrez des activités pour faire le plein d'énergie, se divertir et partager de be...
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725 Hits
With the recent announcements of the federal and provincial budgets, capital gains tax in Canada has undergone significant changes. These changes could have a considerable impact, especially on those planning to sell real estate properties that have appreciated in value over the years. What is a Capital Gain? A capital gain is the di...
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910 Hits
Avec les récentes annonces des budgets fédéral et provincial, l'impôt sur le gain en capital au Canada a connu des modifications importantes. Ces changements pourraient avoir un impact significatif, surtout sur celles et ceux qui envisagent de vendre des propriétés immobilières qui ont pris de la valeur au fil des ans. Qu'est-ce que le gain e...
943 Hits
943 Hits
Vous avez déjà pensé à investir dans l'immobilier, et vous pensez que la procédure est réservée aux investisseurs expérimentés? Pas du tout! Avec Dominic Brisebois, courtier immobilier de confiance, l'investissement immobilier devient simple et accessible pour tout le monde. Qu'est-ce qu'une propriété d'investissement? C'est simplement une propri...
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944 Hits
Have you ever thought about investing in real estate and assumed the process was reserved for experienced investors? Not at all! With Dominic Brisebois, a trusted real estate broker, real estate investment becomes simple and accessible for everyone. What is an Investment Property? It's simply a property you buy with the intention of making money, w...
857 Hits
857 Hits
On April 10, the Governor of the Bank of Canada, Tiff MacKlem, announced that the key interest rate would remain at 5% to cool the economy and ensure a decrease in inflation. As the real estate market continues to favor sellers due to the limited number of properties for sale, those wishing to buy a property this year are wondering: is it better to...
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921 Hits
Le 10 avril dernier, le gouverneur de la Banque du Canada, Tiff MacKlem, annonçait le maintien du taux directeur à 5 % pour refroidir l'économie et assurer une baisse de l'inflation. Alors que le marché immobilier demeure toujours à l'avantage des vendeurs étant donné le nombre restreint de propriétés à vendre, ceux et celles qui souhaitent ...
1233 Hits
1233 Hits